La Paloma inferno SE built with 6C33C-B tubes, plans from Ari Polisois published in AudioExpress
All supply's regulated with 1 toroid 320 VA by channel. Preamp with 2*6SN7GTB; OPT's by James
A digital display indicates all tubes voltages and currents...




Pure walnut hand polished.

Let put some stands to build the inner parts.

The power supply's chassis.
“I did build it following an article from Ari Polisois, and did really love the use of 6C33C-B tubes.. It dit take me weeks to check for every component, buy them end sort them to get 2 matching channels!

Second part was to draw all the design on paper, and decided of 2 blocks. First block is composed of 2 power supply stages, one in the bottom of the chassis; the second on the upper part...
A word about the chassis, built with walnut wood, sides dressed with a router on a 45 degrees jig.

Amateur builder of Class A amplifiers